Open reading: Gazelle / Gazela / Gazelle, Tears in the Fence annual festival, 20-22 Sept, Dorset, 2024.
Public reading: Gazelle / Gazela / Gazelle, Galerija Kranjcar, 3 January 2024.
Book launch: Gazelle / Gazela / Gazelle, Galerija Kranjcar, 29 December 2023.
Performance: Heart monologues, Galerija Makina, Pula, 13 April 2023. With: Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, Delphine Salkin & Atau Tanaka.
Performance:Heart monologues, Delaville, Paris, 21 February 2023, With: Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani & Atau Tanaka.
Performance: All that Zagreb jazz, Tears in the Fence festival 2022, 2-4 Sept 2022. With Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani.
Performance: Heart monologues, Regent Street Cinema, 16 March 2022. With: Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, Atau Tanaka, Robert Šantek and Bridget Knapper (Co-directed by Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani and Delphine Salkin).
"Reveries about language", online poetry reading, 11 December 2020. With: Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, Delphine Salkin, Isabelle Dumont. Host: David Caddy)
"Reveries about language", King's College London, Worldmaking Live festival, 3 June 2019. With: Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, Alo Allik, Bridget Knapper.
"Reveries about language", Pinter Studio, London, 19 March 2019. With: Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, Alo Allik, Bridget Knapper, Robert Šantek, Emily-Céline Thomson, Pierre Elliot. (Co-directed by Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani and Catherine Boyle).
For more information on all the performances go here. The Heart monologues Youtubeplaylist is available here.
Public Readings, Open Mics, Book Launches
Book Launch Gazelle / Gazela / Gazelle, Galerija Kranjcar, 29 December 2023.
Open reading, Tears in the Fence festival 2023, 15-17 September 2023, Stourpaine, Dorset.
Book Launch Knitting drum machines for exiled tongues, Morocco Bound Bookshop, 23 February 2023.
Open Mic reading, Morocco Bound Bookshop, Thursday 22 Sept 2022.
Featured poet at the Tears in the Fence festival 2021, "Digging Deeper: Roots and Remains", Stourpaine Village Hall, Stourpaine, 3-5 Sept 2021.
Guest speaker in the Multilingual Poetry session, Tears in the Fence online festival 2020, "Lost Connections: Light and Darkness", 10-13 Sept (video available here).
Featured poet at the Tears in the Fence festival 2019, 20-22 Sept.
Book Launch Reveries about language, Pinter Studio, QMUL, 19 March 2019.
Open mic reading at the City Lit Late Lines poetry and prose evening, May 2018.
Public reading of poem "In the Room of Longing",. Between the Lines Anthology launch, Sept 2017.
Public reading of trilingual poem "Reveries about language" at The Still Point Journal magazine launch, Nov 2015.
Talk "Reveries about language: challenges and opportunities of performing multilingual poetry", as part of the panel "Multilingual writing: strategies of translation, disruption and resistance", Languages Future online conference, 15 April 2021 (convened by Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani), King's College London. Other panelists: David Caddy, Maria Jastrzębska, Zoë Skoulding. Video available here.
Recorded reading of trilingual poem "Reveries about Language / Sanjarije o jeziku / Rêveries sur la langue" as part of the King's College London radio show on Translation, April 2016.
Selected Essays & Blogs
Na svjetlosti dana, u sijeni sjecanja; slika, akordi, gazela (In the light of day, in the shadow of memories: an image, a guitar, a gazelle), 1 Jan 2024
“Heart monologues”: the cultural, experimental, and sensorial journey of a multilingual poetry performance, 1 Dec 2023
Heart monologues for Pula: “does a rose lose its colour in the rain?”, 24 Apr 2023
Close to heart: collaborative work and the practice of (heartbeat) listening in Heart Monologues, 2022
Unbound Lines: Writing in the Space of the Multilingual, 2022
“Reveries about language”: challenges and opportunities of performing multilingual poetry, 2021