Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina, Gazelle / Gazela / Gazelle, Zagreb: Galerija Kranjčar, 2023.
Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina, Knitting drum machines for exiled tongues, Dorset: Tears in the Fence, 2022.
Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina (Mina Ray), Reveries about language, London: King’s College London, 2019 (printed for Language Acts and Worldmaking under the imprint of Faculty for Arts and Humanities, King’s College London), ISBN: 978-1-897747-36-0.
Poems (UK)
"Havana trip (Qasida on cigarette)", Junction Box 17, The Acquifer Press, Dec. 2022.
"Heart monologues: 1. & 3.", The Fortnightly Review, January 2022.
“Poetry] automaton that spits out fog”, harana poetry, no. 7, March 2021.
“Eleven images for my father’s blues“, harana poetry, no. 7, March 2021.
“earthquake”, Tears in the Fence, no. 73, March 2021.
“Chain” , Tears in the Fence, no. 73, March 2021.
“Density”, Tears in the Fence, no. 73, March 2021.
“Gap“, Molly Bloom, May 2020.
“For Amelia Rosselli“, Molly Bloom, May 2020.
“Ghazal with Eïd’s ashes“, Molly Bloom, May 2020.
'[at the beginning there was sea]', Molly Bloom, May 2020.
"More than this", Pamenar Press Online magazine, March 2020.
"language loss (damnum linguae)", Pamenar Press Online magazine, March 2020.
"Knitting drum mashines for exiled tongues", Pamenar Press Online magazine, March 2020.
"The rose in my analyst’s garden", Tears in the Fence, no. 71, March 2020.
"Bilingual, belonging", Tears in the Fence, no. 71, March 2020.
"Minority scar", Tears in the Fence, no. 71, March 2020.
"Vol interrompu", Tears in the Fence, no. 71, March 2020.
"How to write a paper dagger", Tears in the Fence, no. 69, March 2019.
"Folding grief", Tears in the Fence, no. 69, March 2019.
"Under the melancholy tree", Tears in the Fence, no. 69, March 2019.
"from Heart monologues: 5.", Tears in the Fence, no. 69, March 2019.
"As if", Tears in the Fence, no. 69, March 2019.
"Shadows", Lucent Dreaming, issue 2, 2018.
"Stranger", French Literary Review, no. 30, October 2018.
"In the Room of Longing", Between the Lines Anthology 2017, City University, London.
"Rescue, Breathe", Balkan Poetry Today, no. 1, 2017.
“Round, Infinity", Balkan Poetry Today, no. 1, 2017.
"Reveries about language / Sanjarenje o jeziku / Rêveries autour de la langue", The Still Point Journal, no. 1, 2015.
Poems (Canada)
"White / Blanc", Revue CMC Review, Vol 3 no. 2 University of York, Toronto, 2016
"The Rose of Algiers’ / ‘La Rose d’Alger", Revue CMC Review, Vol 3 no. 2, 2016
‘Salt / Sel’, Revue CMC Review, Vol 3 no. 2, 2016
Poems (Croatia)
"Samoborske elegije", & other poems, in: Tema, godina XVIII, 4-5-6 / srpanj - prosinac 2022, Centar za knjigu: Zagreb.
"In the eye of the other: London post-Brexit", Zin Daily, July 2021.
"More značenja", "Gazela", "Alžirska Ruža", "Sanjarenje o jeziku", "Bijelo", "Sol", "Paso Doble", "Downtempo", "‘Ritual / Gola", "Reneova mačka". in Tema, godina XII, 3-6, Centar za knjigu: Zagreb, 2016.
Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina, “Unbound Lines: Writing in the space of the multilingual“, Balkan Poetry Today, issue 2, 2018 (article can be accessed here).
"Poezija za dvadeset prvo stoljeće: ‘a poet’s problem’”, (English translation can be accessed here).
Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina, "Close to heart: collaborative work and the practice of (heartbeat) listening in Heart Monologues", Tears in the Fence, May 2022.
Other: Textbooks
Upcoming: three extracts from the article “Poezija za dvadeset prvo stoljeće: ‘a poet’s problem’” (“Poetry for the twenty first century: ‘a poet’s problem‘”), in: to be included in the secondary school textbook for the Croatian language and literature 4, Zagreb: Školska Knjiga.
Multilingual psychogeographies (romans à la dérive)
"Old places, new eyes: Paris summers / Stara mjesta, novi pogled: Pariška ljeta”, in: