Books, Book Chapters
“Reading Signs and Symbols with Abdelkebir Khatibi, From the Body to the Text”, in: Abdelkébir Khatibi, Postcolonialism, Transnationalism and Culture in the Maghreb and beyond, (co-written with Rim Ferrani and Debra Kelly), edited by Jane Hiddleston and Khalid Lyamlahy, Liverpool University Press, 2020.
Geo/graphies of Loss: Space, Place and Spatial Loss in North African and Maghrebian writing in French, Lambert Academic Publishing: Erlangen, 2015. (Work based on PhD Thesis).
Peer-reviewed Articles
"Memorial Traces as Tropes of Postcolonial Hauntings in Robert Lalonde’s 'Sept Lacs plus au Nord' and Nina Bouraoui’s 'Mes mauvaises pensées'", in: London Journal of Canadian Studies, 2018, 33 (7) pp. 94-110. 10.14324/111.444.ljcs.2018v33.007.
"Writing Contemporary Québec: The Quest for an Intertextual Identity in the Work of Roxanne Bouchard", in: Nottingham French Studies, July 2016, vo. 55, No. 2 : pp. 209-223.
"Le "je/jeu" intertextuel': Textual Interplay and Intertextual Identity in Roxanne Bouchard's Whisky et paraboles", in: The British Journal for Canadian Studies, 2015.
"Conceptualising the North: Representation of the Spaces of the North in Jacques Ferron's L'Amélanchier and Mohammed Dib's Les Terrasses d'Orsol", in: Conference Proceedings of the conference Beyond the 49th Parallel: Canada and the North, Issues and Challenges, 9-10 October 2015, Zagreb (organised by the Central European Association for Canadian Studies).
"From a Politics to a Poetics of Space: Fracture, Return and Renewal in Robert's Lalonde Sept Lacs plus au Nord", in: The British Journal for Canadian Studies, 2014.
Talks, Conference Presentations
Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, "Reveries about language: challenges and opportunities of performing multilingual poetry" (part of the panel "Multilingual writing: strategies of translation, disruption and resistance"), Languages Future online conference, King's College London, 15 April 2021. Video of the talk available here.
Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, "My arrival to writing: on the (non-)sacrifice of language" (Audio recording), Panel on: Embodiments, Convenor: Debra Kelly, Languages Memory, King's College London, 13-14 June, 2018.
"Moving between worlds and words: Exile, distance and ‘Border-Thinking’ in Hédi Bouraoui’s work", Borders and Crossings: International and multidisciplinary Conference on Travel Writing, 13-16 September 2018, National Park Brijuni, Croatia.
“Memorial Traces as Tropes of Haunting in Robert Lalonde’s Sept Lacs plus au Nord (1993) and Nina Bouraoui’s Mes mauvaises pensées (2005)", British Association of Canadian Studies Annual Conference, Canada House, London, 20-22 April 2017.
“Rethinking Migrant Identities?: Space, Place and Gender in Doreen Massey’s Theory”, Centre for Women’s Studies Annual Conference, Zagreb, 25-27 November 2016.
“Conceptualising the North: Representation of the Spaces of the North in Jacques Ferron’s L’Amélanchier and Mohammed Dib’s Les Terrasses d’Orsol”, Beyond the 49th Parallel: Canada and the North, Issues and Challenges, 9-10 October 2015, Zagreb (organised by the Central European Association for Canadian Studies).
“Le ‘je/jeu’ intertextuel: Textual Interplay and Intertextual Identity in Roxanne Bouchard’s Whisky et paraboles”, New Voices on Canada, 10-12 July 2014, London (conference organised by the Institute for the Americas, UCL).
“From a Politics to a Poetics of Memory: Fracture, Return and Renewal in Robert Lalonde’s Sept Lacs plus au Nord”, Indigeneity and French Canada, 16-17 May 2014, London (organised by the Centre for Québec Studies and French Canada, IMLR, University of London).
“Re-appropriating Rural Québec: Writing Between Filiation and Rupture in Roxanne Bouchard’s Whisky et Paraboles”, Inaugural Day of the Centre for Québécois and French-Canadian Studies, Nov 2012, London.
“Postcolonial Incorporations: Destabilising Space, Re-mapping the Body in Nicole Brossard’s French Kiss: étreinte et exploration (1974)”, Society for Postcolonial Francophone Studies Annual Conference, Nov 2012, London.
“Re-writing Space and Memory: a comparative analysis of Assia Djebar’s L’Amour, la Fantasia and Jacques Poulin’s Volkswagen Blues”, Northeast Modern Language Association, Montréal, North Eastern Language Modern Association Conference, Montréal, April 2010.
“Discourses of Loss in Maghrebian and Canadian Writing in French: a Comparative Analysis of Nina Bouraoui’s Mes mauvaises pensées and Régine Robin’s La Québécoite”, Loss, Nostalgia and la fracture coloniale: Contextualising l’Inde perdue, University of Liverpool, July 2008.
Articles (Croatian)
"Da li preispitati migrantske identitete?: prostor, mjesto i rod u teoriji Doreen Massey", in: Kamen na cesti, Granice, Opresija i Imperativ Solidarnosti (radovi sa znanstvenog skupa "Marija Juric Zagorka - zivot, djelo, naslijede / Preko granica: opresija i imperativ solidarnosti" odrzanog 25.-26. studenog 2016. u sklopu 10. Dana Marije Juric Zagorke, Centar za Zenske studije).
Conference panels, Session chairing
Convenor of the panel "Multilingual writing: strategies of translation, disruption and resistance", Languages Future online conference, 15 April 2021, King's College London, 15 April (with panelists: Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, David Caddy, Maria Jastrzębska & Zoë Skoulding).
Unveiled, Dangerous Women Project, 1 February 2017.