• Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani - Soundworks
  • Produced by Delphine Salkin


Soundscape poems (from left to right / top to bottom):

1. "Bijelo" ("White" / "Blanc") (Croatian)
2. "For Amelia Rosselli" (English, French) - from "Bound: for Amelia Rosselli" lockdown series 2020
3. "[at the beginning there was sea]" (Croatian, French, English)

"HeartCoeurSrce" multilingual sound piece for the "Heart Monologues" performance, London, 2022

This. sound piece was created by Delphine Salkin for the show "Heart monologues". With Pascale Salkin's "Autumn" music and heartbeats by Atau Tanaka ("Heart Beat Monitor"). 

To access all of Jasmina's Soundscape poems, go to Jasmina's Soundcloud page.